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Kevin Greenwood


Kevin Greenwood


Kevin Greenwood is a Federal Government Information Technology Civilian Professional. Kevin is also the Founder and CEO of his own Real Estate Firm that specializes in Investment and Property Management. Kevin holds Bachelor of Science Degrees in Physics and Mechanical Engineering from Howard University, as well as an MBA from Johns Hopkins University.

Kevin Greenwood has served as the Social Action Chairman of the Gamma Pi Chapter since 2016 while continuing to contribute and achieve on a National and International level. Kevin improved the Social Action process through his own initiative, countless personal hours and by utilizing technology with minimal to no cost. Every member of the chapter was well informed about every Social Action event in advance, which allowed for maximum participation due to advanced planning of Fraternity and personal time. Kevin continued to set the bar high by leading the Gamma Pi Chapter in one of the most important Mandated Programs in the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.

  • Kevin Greenwood has received numerous awards and recognition through his hard work and dedication to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the constituents of the Prince George’s County Community. He was awarded with the Superior Service Award in 2017 for his Social Action contributions and also received the 2017 Chairman of the Year Award by the Gamma Pi Chapter in November of 2017. The Social Action Committee, through Kevin’s leadership, was awarded the Appreciation Award for Social Action by the Windsor Crossing Senior Citizen Facility for Outstanding Community Service in 2018. Kevin was also awarded the 2018 Basileus Service Award for Social Action & Leadership in 2018 during the Brothers Only Dinner during Achievement Week. Through his leadership and dedication as the Social Action Chairman, he also led the Gamma Pi Chapter to “2nd Place Large Graduate Social Action Chapter of the Year” Honors during the 2019 2nd District Conference. In 2019, Kevin won the “Omega Man of the Year” Award through the Gamma Pi Chapter in Prince George’s County.

    Kevin continues to serve outside of his fraternal duties as an active Board Member on the Ayana J. McAllister Legacy Foundation since 2017. He has also served as an Assistant Coach of several Upper Marlboro Mustang Teams for the Upper Marlboro Boys & Girls Club.


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